Sunday, December 11, 2011


Well, finals week is here! After just spending 8 hours on projects that I needed to get done by Friday a break sounds really refreshing! Only 5 more days of high school left... WOW. That is crazy. In this last semester I've really learned to cherish these types of things that you can't go back and do later on in life. It is a drastic change from the person I was at the end of my junior year, but change is good in this situation.

Anyway, this past weekend I went with my parents to visit the rest of my family for our celebration of XMAS! Very fun!

Of course my Aunt Amy is front and center! Gotta love her she is crazy!

And I got to meet my cousin Shauna's new baby!

She is just adorable! Loved holding her, and she was the first baby i've ever held! Feels so comforting!

Break is over though, back to the books! =P

Monday, December 5, 2011

My First Post!!!!

Hi, my name is Lexie. I decided to do this whole blog thing because I saw how much fun my sister has with it and also talking to myself through a blog seems a lot less lame than talking to myself in my head! I'm not sure what all i'm going to use this for, but I do know that I have a lot of thoughts and ideas that i'd like to get out into the world. Hmm, a little bit about myself... I am a senior in highschool and my last day is in 11 days! WOW. That seems so soon... After that I plan to go to JCCC for a semester followed by going to KSU for accounting. So Scary! The future is such a scary but exciting thing, so bitter sweet. Anyway, i'm currently procrastinating on finishing my 3 page Government paper so i'm going to try and get back to that!